Have you ever heard “I just want to sell off the house, pack up the dog, buy a van and go travel the world”? Maybe you’ve had these thoughts yourself? I’m surprised how often I hear this expressed by all sorts of people, young and old, in various settings. They weren’t reacting to me, though though I did pack the dog and hit the road. It’s a completely normal impulse to get away, not only to escape the familiar and mundane, but to set off towards new adventures in the great unknown.
I began traveling as a way to end dependence on the “mediated experiences” of TV, books, movies and the internet. I had some inkling that the world was a far weirder and more interesting place than it seemed from the vantage point of the couch. On every journey I was blessed with new friendships, experiences and stories. As a bonus, I discovered a deeper appreciation for other people’s stories. My hope is that RV Noise will serve to illustrate in words and pictures the stories of those adventurers who sold the house, grabbed the dog and hit the road. And perhaps inspire a little road fever in someone else.